Bemused Of Ewell

Random burblings about Ewell Village and the surrounding area.


Saturday, 27 September 2008

Forthcoming Events at Bourne Hall

Bourne Hall is playing host to a varied set of events in the next few weeks...

First, on Saturday 4th October, is "YLD 08": Youth Leisure Day. There's some more detail about it here on the Council's web site; it sounds like there will be a lot going on. It's aimed at young people aged from 13 to 17.

On the following Saturday, the Bourne Hall Museum Club is hosting a session called "Discover Archaeology On Your Doorstep" (again aimed at the younger generation). Abby Guinness from Surrey's Community Archaeologists Department will be talking about her work and showing off some finds and objects (probably including some from the Hatch Furlong excavation). The event runs from 1pm to 2.30pm and costs £3 per person -- you can pre-book by calling David Brooks at Bourne Hall Museum on 020 8394 1734.

Lastly, on Wednesday 15th October, the Ewell Village Residents' Association is holding their Autumn Meeting at 8pm. The topic of the meeting is "What Do You Know About Nescot?" and that will be followed by a more general discussion with county and local councillors, and representatives of the local police.

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Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Speak Out, O Chief Executive

Apparently Epsom and Ewell Council is one of the best councils to work for (probably because the community they serve is so amazing... but I digress). Bemused is disappointed to note that the Chief Executive's blog doesn't appear to be visible on the public Internet, though.

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Saturday, 20 September 2008

Roads of Stone writes eloquently about a walk along the Hogsmill (though I'm not sure I entirely agree with his description of Ewell High Street).

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Saturday, 17 May 2008

News: Bemused Not Biggest Geek In Ewell

It's official: Bemused Of Ewell is not the biggest geek in the village. Congratulations to Bramwell Brightey and Tamsyn Lofts, who recently married in a Star Wars themed ceremony...

Full story: Epsom Guardian, 13th May 2008.

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News: Nonsuch Secrets Revealed

Fairly modern secrets rather than anything historical, I'm afraid. From the Epsom Guardian:

"The secret Surrey County Council report into proposals for Nonsuch Mansion has only just been released under the Freedom of Information Act.

It has taken 14 months for Surrey to react to the request even though a leaked copy has been widely publicised by the Stoneleigh and Auriol Residents Association (SARA).

The report for which the consultants charged £26,216, is expected to have finally cost the tax payer more than £100,000 in officer time and expenses, a cost which Surrey will not confirm."

Full story: Epsom Guardian, 14th May 2008.

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News: Bobtails Fun Day, 18th May

Don't forget the Bobtails Fun Day tomorrow -- Sunday 18th May -- which is raising money for Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue, based in Arundel Avenue in Ewell. They'll be open between 12 and 4, with a raffle, stalls and the like; they also have an auction running up until 10pm tonight, Saturday 17th May.


Thursday, 17 April 2008

Events: Epsom Book Fair

This is, I grant you, not strictly a Ewell event -- it's in the Big City a.k.a. Epsom -- but it's definitely worth taking a look if you've run out of reading material and want one or two more items to choose from.

The Fair is on at the Methodist Church in Epsom -- here are some more details -- and this year they have more space, more time (three days instead of two) and, somehow, more books. What you see above is the fiction room; the non-fiction's in another room altogether.

Most books are 50p a paperback or £1 for a hardback, though there are also some rarer and older books which are priced individually. For those who are after a bargain, the last half-hour of the sale on Saturday (3.30pm - 4pm) will see everything half-price... dangerous times for bibliophiles...
